

Keeping current in wellness, in and out of the water

You can scroll the shelf using and keys

Narrow Vision

April 29, 2016 , , ,

the city

the city

Blind to either side, the galloping force chases the scoundrels with intent

Misses the ongoing story, producing poverty, lowering standards for life

Hunger, insecurity, pessimism, lack of healthy enviornment, to a growing extent

Contribute to a downward spiral for those already sinking in economic strife

Streams and creeks full of excuses mixed with social work are clogged

Water is evaporating above the ground while we sink the drills deeper for the prize



Join poets around the world for #NaPoWriMo this April.  Find new meaning in words.

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I love this poem….. and it’s very apt for the photo. You have evolved your perspective and your writing process so much! #impressive
