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It Could Be Verse

May 1, 2016 , , ,



I am a happy graduate of National Poetry Writing Month, 2016. This, my third time participating, taught me some good lessons. The best part of the month is always reading and discovering other poets.  Here are just a few wonderful poems I found written during April:

There are more poets than I can possibly mention that show great talent and unique perspective.  I hope you will investigate to find some poetry you like to read in this group or at the library.  People take this 30 poems in 30 days challenge for different reasons.  I find it stimulates my vocabulary as well as my visual sense because I always use an image with my poem. Sometimes I draw it.   Each year I tell myself how therapeutic it is to create poetry and that I will continue the craft on my tumblr, which is linked for #NaPoWriMo with my wordpress for poetry month.  This could be the year, gentle readers.  The consistent lesson I have learned from these three years of participation is that other people like the poems that are not my own favorites, and vice versa.  Later when I read some of my work I am kind of surprised it came from me, but there it is. These are a few of the reasons I urge you to write some verse:

  • The process reveals the subconscious
  • Words and dream images have powerful connections
  • Poems by others stimulate the muse
  • Once a poem has a concept the mind works on it in the background
  • Poetry clears the soul of repressed feelings and notions

You don’t have to show anyone what you write in order to benefit from trying your hand as a poet.  You might be one…and don’t know it.  Don’t wait until April 2017 to start.  If you start now you will be sufficiently warmed up for the next round.


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Thank you for the wingback — glad you enjoyed my poem! Stop by to meander any time 🙂



May 1, 2016

Thanks Lillian, I am following you in the reader

Liked by 1 person

Pamela Morse

May 1, 2016

oops — should have said pingback — freudian slip? It’s sort of like a wingback — flying from me to you! 🙂



May 1, 2016