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Find Your Bossiness

May 3, 2016 , , , , ,

The Judge

The Judge

I was born with ample bossiness, and raised to rebel.  I entered professions in which people paid me to tell them what to do.  In travel (in the old days) clients planned trips with the advise of agents.  I was an outside sales travel agent, meaning I worked for and found my own clients outside the agency.  It was a perfect job for me because I have travelled extensively and don’t mind at all sharing my opinions.  Agencies were full of very well-travelled agents because the suppliers used to treat us like royalty.  If I had not been to a destination I had only to ask around the office to find someone who knew the place. It was a very cosmopolitan place to work.   Everyone was very jolly until the airlines cut commission, signaling the end of supplier/agency relationships.  It was very good while it lasted, and I am glad I was there for the gravy train.

I taught fitness and swimming in fancy spa settings.  This required a different kind of bossiness, which required very little encouragement to bloom. The guests relinquish entirely too much power and responsibility in the spa atmosphere.  The real key is not making them mind you in your presence (which they are paying big bucks to do).  Success can only be measured after the student has returned to home/work/family and all the habitual triggers that exist there.  When they try to integrate what they learned at the spa into real life, if they whip out the hand out you provided and do something (anything) they learned, you have succeeded in the mission.  If they mind you back at home, then you are a boss.

I like the current fad to label things done with confidence “like a boss”.  I agree that taking charge and speaking one’s own mind can be the difference between success and failure, and even between happiness and depression.  Finding ones voice  as a boss is valuable and must be done with respect and caution.  Do not surprise unsuspecting members of your family or workforce with your newfound authority.  Practice safe bossiness with appropriate subservients.  Use your head.

  • Take control of all the political calls/posts/real life discussions
  • Evaluate your use of free time to find more for yourself/eliminate waste
  • Polish the rhetoric used to ask for services in daily life/be particular
  • Identify the areas in which you do not care to boss/make sure they are covered by a qualified and enthusiastic boss
  • Focus your attention and education on the areas you intend to rule
  • Explore new areas of conquest with respect to current sovereigns

Remember the fall of Rome when Caesar obviously just took on WAY too much dominance over the Romans.  Don’t let things get out of hand with your bossy self.  Use discretion as you boss your way around this world.



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must have been interesting Pam. did you ever take a cruise?

Liked by 1 person


May 3, 2016

Yes, 3 good Bermuda at age 7, around South American and through the Canal at age 13 and Alaska inner passage age 27, on the Love Boat. It is not my style of travel, and i paid for none of the above.

Liked by 1 person

Pamela Morse

May 3, 2016

I love you as the judge! You are perfect for that! Do dogs work as appropriate subservients?

Liked by 1 person

Dogs are perfect


Pamela Morse

May 4, 2016