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Progress Through Procrastination

November 27, 2016 , , ,

In the month of October I took the #OctoberUnprocessed challenge as I have for a few years now. Each year I give up fake meat products, chips and crackers for the month. I eat pretty well, but those products have been prominent in my diet forever.  I also bought two small packages of sugar, one brown and one confectioners, and vowed to make them last until 2017.  I am happy to report that both of those sugar bags remain unopened.  I probably will open one today for banana bread, but I have used no sugar in the kitchen for almost two months.  The other progress I made was to adapt to life without bags of chips and boxes of crackers.  I made one tasty batch of home baked crackers in October and then just forgot about them.  I decided that if I go to a great Mexican restaurant once a month that makes tortillas in house I never really need to buy bags of chips.  So far, this is working too.  Instead of answering each and every whim I have to eat nachos, I am practicing delayed gratification by anticipating much better nachos in the future.  There is no way I want to give up nachos forever.

I have stumbled upon a positive way to use procrastination.  This word   means putting off necessary tasks.  I have reversed this process by putting off  bad habits without giving them up once and for all.  It is brilliant.  I will admit I am back on the fake meat.  I was wolfing down bacon bits on the fist of November like they were going out of style.  Maybe next October I will break that habit. There are far worse things to which one can be addicted to than fake chicken McFriedFood and veggie burgers.  I can accept myself with this silly exception to my almost all unprocessed diet.  I am feeling good about the cracker conquest. They have no power over me any more.  Do you have a processed food that you can not bear to stop eating, gentle reader?  What is yours?  I have to have really good taco salads in my life:

tortilla fix

tortilla fix

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I love that you were able to conquer the crackers. I use popcorn for crunch.. I don’t have a craving for crackers other than things like Triscuits. I like fiber. I like Milton’s crackers which are whole grain and I buy wasa crackers too. I found that Quorn is a great fungi-based meatless burger and other presentations that pretty much has nailed down the texture of meat successfully.
Sometimes bread or ice cream or chocolate call me.. that’s the big issue

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Stevie Wilson (@LAStory)

December 7, 2016

I bought popcorn as a back up and have hardly used love it, but seem to need less of this stuff. I am a huge fan of favorite fake meat of all time!!!! If you do processed, it needs to be really good ..and Quorn fits the bill.


Pamela Morse

December 7, 2016