

Keeping current in wellness, in and out of the water

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#SelfCareSunday Soft Focus

August 20, 2017 , , ,

shadow boundary

shadow boundary



Lines are bring drawn everywhere. Politics have seeped into the most mundane parts of our lives. We all need a break, a retreat from the news without dropping out of our responsibilities.  Many feel the fatigue of caring for others, either financially or literally.  To keep the well of wellbeing primed each of us needs to take care of our own needs before deciding what others might need. I believe in taking a step back, looking at things from a safe distance, and with a very soft focus. What do I mean by soft focus?

  • Find simple ways to express gratitude to your family, friends and coworkers
  • Make daily habit patterns revolve around healthy habits like meditation and exercise
  • Take control of the time you spend on line or texting for social purposes
  • Reclaim a portion (no matter how small) of your paycheck to save for a worthy goal, personal or community oriented
  • Analyse your own happiness quotient-how much you bring to the table, and how much you rely on others for emotional juice
  • Walk away from fruitless arguments you recognize that you have had in the past

It is very tempting to jump into all the arguments available to us at all hours on social media.  This too shall pass. Maintain balance by taking your centering practices much more seriously than the outrage of the moment. Don’t consume the toxic Kool Aid.  It is spiked, altered, unhealthy.




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This is so true. There are hundreds of more constructive and healthy things each of us can do.


Raeanne G. Roy

August 24, 2017

Thanks Raeanne


Pamela Morse

August 24, 2017

I agree with your comments & tips. VERY important to express gratitude and take care of oneself. We are not responsible for ill -will or feelings of others


Stevie Wilson (@LAStory)

September 1, 2017