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Fall Equinox

September 22, 2013 , ,

Does the fall equinox have special meaning to you? Native people around the world have marked and celebrated the night that is equal in northern and southern hemispheres in spring and fall for centuries.  The balance of darkness and light, the nature of shadow, the harvest of what has been sown are celebrated at this powerful change of seasons.  To enter winter with excess overhead or an insufficient supply has been a recipe for disaster since the first fairy tale was created.  In both short and long terms fall is a time for risk assessment.  The harvest is in, or soon will be, and it must last until new crops can be grown and harvested.  Failure can mean starvation.  Useless baggage must be jettisoned now to keep the boat afloat.

Today our supplies come from abroad and we don’t even know when and how harvests are made.  Coal, natural gas, and petroleum are harvested to process, transport and refrigerate our food.  The cost of the supply chain far outweighs the cost of the food itself.  Our electronic devices are similar.  They are harvested elsewhere and imported to us.  Globalization demands that goods and services be produced at the lowest price and sold for the highest possible price.  International business must take advantage of the lowest wages and least demanding labor forces.  I believe that these imperialistic practices have caused a spiritual equinox.  Forces that seem to be out of our control darken the skies and freeze out those with the fewest resources.  Persephone returns to her husband Hades in the underworld every year as winter approaches.  Her symbolic return in the spring celebrates light over darkness.  As the days grow shorter and nights grow longer what seeds will you purposely germinate?  Do you believe the violence and darkness being proliferated will be reversed?

fall color

fall color

change of season

change of season



What do you think?

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that’s a pretty cool fall equinox experience


Stevie Wilson

September 22, 2013

Interesting that the cost of distributing the goods is greater than the cost of goods, themselves. What must our forefathers be thinking?


marc zazeela

September 22, 2013

Pull back on the transport I think..



September 22, 2013

I love the equinox as it reminds me of the cycle of change – both for the world and myself.



September 23, 2013

wonderful photos!


September 23, 2013