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#WeekendCoffeeShare Memoir Moments

July 1, 2017 , , , ,

raw borscht on ice

raw borscht on ice

If we were having coffee this weekend I would invite you to drink iced tea while enjoying the last of my three blooming jasmine varieties. The yard is again scented with that sweet jasmine flavor that carries well in a breeze. You will want to observe it from the front window while we chat because the heat out there is harsh. Sit back and relax in the air conditioning while I pour your favorite iced tea. I also have two kinds of raw fermented borscht for you, which restores your electrolytes and adds probiotics to your diet. It is like a floating salad suspended in beet juice and kvass.  It cools you and helps you keep balance in the heat.  I also think it is yummy, but you can decide for yourself.  The cucumber and dill will remind you of pickle juice.

If we were having iced tea this week I would tell you I decided to join Audible for a year because the subscription was discounted heavily.  For $100 a year I have access to books and podcasts that make my new job a dream.  I can do my job and listen to books without distraction.  It is a wonderful two birds with one stone situation.  I finished the book on biological biodiversity, then knocked off a book about writing by Jeff Goins, and have started The Power of Memoir, by Linda Joy Meyers.  This book is inspirational to me because I have studied my  family history for years, and written a few very short poems about the ancestors (who were poets themselves).  I have wanted to write historical fiction, but never attempted it.  Ms Meyers lays out all the steps needed to write a riveting memoir, some of which I have done, like the genealogy research.  I was inspired by the book to use my grandmother as the subject this week of my short fiction in response to Sue Vincent’s Thursday prompt. I think I can apply what I am leaning from this generous and well written instruction to my own writing.  It can unlock many stories for my future. I recommend the book to all writers, even if you do not plan to write a memoir.  She covers technique we all need to remember.

The Power of Memoir

The Power of Memoir

I began my weekly #WeedWednesday feature with a post in the lab at the grow where I work.  The short, warm up, educational piece was well received by readers.  It is fun and easy to do, and it informs me as well as the audience.  There is so much advancement in the science of medical marijuana that I will have much material to cover on this subject. I plan to interview the experts about the plant varieties and all the ways we process the plant to create various therapies.  There are new developments all the time, so I doubt that I will ever run out of material for that segment.

How did you spend the week?  Have you made progress with your writing, or with your life? Have another glass of tea and fill me in on the details.



Thanks for joining me today for tea and borscht.  Stay cool, and preserve what you still have of your political cool.  It looks like it will be needed for a long time in the US.  Wishing all the sentient beings everywhere independence and time to savor it.  Please visit our hostess, Emily, from Nerd in the Brain for more coffee and news.  Read, write, comment, or just drink lots of digital coffee with us every weekend.




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I have to say, the iced borscht looks very good today…

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Sue Vincent

July 1, 2017

You hard smell lovely with Jasmine scent. Have a great week.

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July 1, 2017

I’d try that drink. I need the probiotics and I’m getting tired of yogurt. 🙂 I write memoir, too. Good luck with yours, whatever you choose to focus on.

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July 1, 2017

Both the tea and the borscht were wonderful. Thank you. 🙂 I just learned about kvass recently.

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July 1, 2017

I am currently editing my memoirs and I might check out “The Power of Memoir” for an interesting read and for another writing/editing tool. Thanks for sharing.

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July 2, 2017

Iced tea sounds so good. It’s been so hot today! 🙂

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July 3, 2017

This looks incredibly yummy!! What’s the flavor profile like?

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The flavor is zippy due to the radishes and green onions. Dill is also prominent ..and the fermentation comes across as a little sour, but lovely.

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Pamela Morse

July 9, 2017