

Keeping current in wellness, in and out of the water

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#WeekendCoffeeShare Earth Day Edition

April 22, 2017 6 Comments

antique glider

antique glider

If we were having coffee this morning I would invite you to sit in the antique glider that sits next to my desk (since last week when we spotted it at a yard sale), and chat with me while I take care of all my office and internet chores. We are taking off later this morning for a night in a tiny house on a farm in Patagonia, Arizona. Nothing could be earthier. There is no internet, which is fine since it is only an overnight trip. I am not constantly connected anyhow, but this will be a tiny earth house kind of disconnect. I am excited because it is a big time for the humming-bird migration, and Patagonia is right on the flight pattern. It will be a lovely place to take some photos. I will fill you in next weekend over coffee.

If you were in my office you would see that since taxes have been filed my excuses for the big pile of paper on the desk have vanished. The desk is clearing up, and I am tossing out old stray junk from the office closet as well.  I am rounding up some books to take to the used book store while examining my own need to surround myself with cookbooks.  I love to read them, but seldom actually follow any recipe.  Ditto with all the yoga books in my library.  I feel secure somehow owning them but never pull them off the shelf.  I had the occasion to want a yoga book recently and it took me a while to locate it. That is just silly.  If I trim down the total number of books and make sure they all give me great joy, as the Japanese tidy lady advises, I believe my whole life will improve.  That is my next great task.  I do own her detailed tidy book on kindle, but I am not following her recipe.  I am starting with books and office clutter.  I may discover my need to own all these rules and directions I do not obey.  There must be some crazy thing going on there. I had some issues about buying the very chair in which you are gliding, but decided it was an asset and it does bring me joy.  I hope it is bringing you some to sit in it while I type.



I am not in danger of becoming a minimalist any time soon.  I think that is what Earth Day really should be, a celebration of using and owning less.  I will consume a bunch of gasoline to go assume my minimalist tiny house on a farm lifestyle for a night.  Then I will drive back to Tucson on Sunday where it will be time to start air conditioning the condo. It will be hot today while we are down south at a higher elevation chilling.  I will check in at the library in Patagonia to use the internet and post my daily poem for #NaPoWriMo this afternoon. All this is making me realize how very high maintenance I still am.

I want to know how your life and writing projects are going this week.  Fill your cup and then fill my ear with your stories.  I look forward to hearing the news from this talented and diverse group of writers.  Nerd in the Brain hosts this lavish party each weekend. This is where you go to submit your own coffee share post, or keep up with the news of others in this lively group.  Thanks for visiting today, and happy Earth Day to you all.

