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Criminally Unconscious

February 6, 2017 , , ,

Halls of Justice, Blurred

Halls of Justice, Blurred

We will soon discover if what appears to some to be extreme Fascism will be contained by the United States judicial system.  The checks and balances originally designed into our system have been blurred by political power.  If religious organizations are liberated to use funds for direct political campaigning we will be in a whole new universe of crossed purposes.  Many worry that when the president said he revoked Dodd Frank financial regulations because some of his friends have good businesses and can’t borrow (yes, that is what he said) that we are running fast down the road that brought us to ruin when Wall Street was too big to fail. Since we made up that term we have done absolutely nothing (except Dodd Frank) to address this too big to fail banking problem. The complicated regulations are never well understood by normal people, but  we are clearly being told that banks will be able to lend more freely and do as they please (gamble) with the banks’ holdings as soon as this has been enacted.  I am no banking expert, but this sounds very fishy to me. We don’t fully understand it, but we have political deja vu.

The executive branch of the government is intended to enforce the laws created by Congress.  The president, the military, and the police are “arms of the law” intended not to make law but to enforce it.  The judicial branch provides needed expertise to guide the executive branch to stay within the law.  It adjudicates disputes about the laws that congress creates.  The Supreme Court has been fully politicized to the point that the appointment is viewed now as extreme political victory. It is such a big deal that the present vacancy was “held open” until the election was concluded.  This says a lot about The Supreme Court and Congress.  This appointment is now a public political wrestling match which is getting messy.  Is this how the government is even supposed to work?

The reason to watch the judicial branch very carefully now is that it holds the key to rule of law. With a strong independent and functional judiciary branch we can move forward and resolve disputes without running amok in political expediency.  I currently trust the court system more than I trust the other two branches.  In my own mind the checks and balances are wildly out of balance.  A poorly educated public that does not understand how the government is intended to work is not very likely to be governed by a functional, rational leadership.  This is a formula for Fascism.  This is how rule of law is destroyed, with ignorance.  I am not as much a subscriber to good and evil as I am to real and unreal.  The evil I believe we need to fight in the world today is unconsciousness. If we think someone is criminally unconscious it is our duty to persuade them to make contact with reality. That task is much harder than judging or assuming anything about anyone. These are troubled times, gentle reader.

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I couldn’t hit the “Like” button on this one because I fear you may be right, but just wanted to let you know I am here and reading.

Liked by 1 person


February 7, 2017

Thanks Robin..spooky, no? I do appreciate that you are here reading..


Pamela Morse

February 7, 2017

it is so unfortunate that this president is really directing the government towards anti-Constitutional elements and initiatives. The Constitution should evolve as society and our country has evolved. The founding fathers would never contemplate the development of computers or social media, but they would realize when the use of either or both would/could harm the people individually and collectively. Ditto the loss of those things that are key elements of the Bill of Rights. Every person who makes it to the 8th grade knows about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.. yet our Education secretary has no experience in public education. So many things I could say but there are compromises to our national security that have already occurred with his nominees.

Liked by 1 person

Stevie Wilson (@LAStory)

February 11, 2017

You are right on Stevie. These are basic “spirit of the law” decisions that fly in the face of reason…and the law.


Pamela Morse

February 11, 2017