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Mechanism Of The Cosmos

March 20, 2017 1 Comment



The mechanism drives forward through the cosmic dust of seasons
Waking the flora and the fauna of each time of year is a serious task
Few moments of equilibrium contrast with plunges into disorder
Filling the months and years with primary planting and development
Fruition of every harvest begins a new cycle of reaping and sowing
The rushing of planets though nighttime sky continues unabated
What kind of seasons will follow these? Will there be more drought?



Equinox Hilaria

March 20, 2013 6 Comments

Cybele drives the lion chariot

Cybele drives the lion chariot

At the Equinox everyone on earth has about the same amout of darkness and light. The sun is close to the equator as it shines for about 12 hours on all parts of the earth for a day. This seasonal shift is of significance to most native cultures. It signals either a lengthening or a shortening of daylight in the months ahead. It creates the conditions for spring planting or fall harvest, depending on the hemisphere in which you live. For a single day, however, we all have the same amount of light and dark in our experience. The literal meaning of the word equinox is equal night. Many calendars begin around the vernal equinox. Romans began the new year on the Ides of March, Astrology uses 21 March as the first of the year, as the Sun moves into Aires. A new year celebration makes sense at this time, as do celebrations to honor rebirth.

The Roman goddess Cybele was associated with rebirth in one of the first Spring break resurrection parties ever held. Romans were all about blood, so they used real bull blood…no chalice of red wine for them. Hilaria was a celebration of resurrection and eternal life held in Rome on the vernal equinox to honor Cybele. She ruled dangerous animals, fertility, and rebirth. She protects civilization. The fact that she is resurrecting her son, Attis, who is also her lover is not a big deal in Roman terms. These things happen in pantheons all the time.  After all was ceremonially  brought safely back to life  Hilaria commenced in a frenzy of joy and mirth.  We do not have any evidence of chocolate bunnies, but they were festive in their own Roman way, with orgies, and chariots drawn by lions, castration, and other stuff they liked. Violets are the flower of the day, since the blood of Attis when he died the first time became the violet we pick in the spring.  Do not hesitate to decorate your eggs with violets if you want to get down Roman style this year.  Unlike our own Virgin Mary, this mother drives a lion chariot, while holding a pineapple, and is on the violent side, so, caveat emptor.

Roman goddess Cybele

Roman goddess Cybele

Cybele with her lions

Cybele with her lions