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What Terrifies You?

September 3, 2014 , , , ,

Terror is the new leisure.  We have become so accustomed to the word being used all over the world to describe atrocities, political take overs, and now the rising stars of the terror world, ISIS.  The meaning has become scattered and diluted, so now that real sociopathic mobs roam the desert with intent to do massive destruction we have no new way to describe what they do.  We have allowed fear and loathing to become part of everyday living.  While I am personally glad I am not in a position to direct military or political policy I do see a reason for declaring exactly what we are doing (besides fear and loathing) with our military might.  When war is actually declared there is incentive to negotiate peace and end the war.  By free styling war with no declarations we have gathered new enemies and spread distrust all over the globe.  I have objected and protested publicly against war since I was a teenager, but in all that time the government has never had the guts to declare one.  We are just participating in one huge covert operation that changes frequently and irrationally as we become less popular.

John McCain and I have never agreed before and will not be likely to do so in the future.  I usually think my Senator from Arizona is a paranoid militaristic dweeb with too many houses.  If a bunch of violent punks can declare themselves to be a sovereign nation and run rampant over rule of law the United States needs to declare SOMETHING!!!  Are we bullies?  Are we cowardly?  Are we completely out of touch with reality? I think yes to all of the above questions.  I personally think this is more than a decisive moment in history.  It is  pivotal now to stop this armageddon warm up before momentum takes us to a new world order that we can’t imagine.

What terrifies me is the idea that our government is full of self serving and dishonest people who have no will to act. I am not naming any names because there is no individual responsible.  It is a culture that tells us to “support our troops” without telling us what those troops are really doing and why.  Going to war is serious business, but going straight to hell because we won’t declare war or peace terrifies me.



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I read this thoughtful article twice. Normally, I do not comment on political issues and certainly not if it is about a nation I know too few details. But it made me think that – again – it all comes down to leadership and taking a clear cut decision. That this does not happen in politics is – as far as I can see – not an American but a global issue. Given the size of your country it is just so visible. And if things are done only half-heartedly, a lot of resources are wasted and there are no results.

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Brigitte Kobi

September 4, 2014

Thanks. This is the same problem I see, and many of those resources are human lives. I am still a pacifist. I agree it is a global slide into violence without clear goals to end the violence. We are in it together.



September 4, 2014

It is a sad time isn’t it. I find it particularly scary that people here are prepared to go and train to be terrorists!

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September 4, 2014

I know, and from here too, which is what blurs the lines so incredibly.



September 4, 2014

I agree with you Pam about how war is perceived especially since this isn’t war but some sort of police or military assistance. Your feelings about McCain aren’t without good cause but our former VP, Dick Cheney who never saw a military action he didn’t want to get involved in..

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Stevie Wilson (@LAStory)

September 12, 2014

It seems to be a little less clear every day. These allies we have like us to do all the killing for them.



September 14, 2014