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Full Moon for Healing

February 22, 2016 , , , ,

full moon setting

full moon setting

Native cultures around the world have celebrated the significance of new and full moons. Full moon is the apex of light energy for the month. Although we wish to retain some of our practices and enhance them, the full moon is a perfect moment to discard beliefs and addictions we wish to shed. In the brightness of the full moon light we can harness the symbolic power of lunar mystery and magnetism. We can use it to focus intently on replacing worn out, maybe meaningless things we do and say out of habit. Not every addiction is harmful, but blindly following a path from the past without scrutiny is less than our best. Full moon is the time to discern, time to look within for answers to spiritual questions.

Without complicated chants or candle light we can choose this time to make a list of all the thoughts words and deeds we see ourselves doing without thinking.  We all get into ruts and find ourselves repeating mistakes or just blindly following what we have always done.  This full moon today is a wonderful time to concoct a quick, simple ritual to banish stale thinking and acting.

  • Write a list of 5 things you do or own that no longer serve you
  • Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes to ponder and read the list
  • Visualize a higher octave, a replacement for these unwanted things
  • Use music, scent and bathing to create a cleansing atmosphere
  • Submerge yourself in meditation, sitting, walking, bathing, whatever is natural to you.
  • When your meditation is complete, burn the list and kiss it goodbye

If weather permits hold your ceremony and meditation outdoors in the light of the moon.  Take the feeling with you into the next month to remind you of the changes you have set into motion.  Carpe noctem, gentle reader.

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I love the list you have createdof things people can do to rid themselves of baggage and behaviour! It’s so easy to do.


Stevie Wilson (@LAStory)

February 23, 2016